Book "Interdisciplinary skills for cooperation and conflict management"

Nowadays communication, teamwork, cooperation, conflict management, also called soft skills are very important for any professional in all fields. Experience shows that very often students lack those interdisciplinary skills. Only rarely there are specific courses tackling those topics and skills and also there is a lack of training materials which academics can use in the study process in order to train those skills of students.
These were main reasons to create this Book which can be useful material in teaching process and also can be exciting reading and training material for anyone interested in soft skills’ topic.

This Book is collection of articles developed by authors from 6 partner Universities from Latvia, Lithuania, Italy, Austria, Poland and the Netherlands. On the second part of the book there are exercises for individual work and groups.

Target audience of this book is teachers, educators and trainers from different fields. Teachers can raise their knowledge about related soft skills and also can use methods and exercises in their teaching process – no matter which subject they teach. Also students who are willing to develop their soft skills can use articles as valuable reading materials and also practice exercises, especially those which are created for individual work.

We offer here digital version of the Book. Printed version of this Book you can find in all libraries of partner Universities and also in Latvian national library.

Read the Book HERE.